Wesley Crowder

W.D. Crowder is an American published author. His background and areas of expertise include history, economics, retirement, finance, expatriate living, international relations, investments, and personal finance. A widely read and top of his class graduate of Stetson University, he obtained his bachelor of arts degree in History with minors in Latin American Studies and International Relations and a special emphasis in Economics. He was President of his Phi Alpha Theta (National History Honors Fraternity) Stetson University chapter and a Phi Beta Kappa (National Honors Fraternity) member.

Time For A Currency Hedge Fund Approach?

It is no secret that hedge funds have been struggling for several years now. The widely followed Bloomberg Global Aggregate Hedge Fund Index so far is up 1.2% for 2016. This represents the third consecutive year that it has seen lower than two percent returns. Yet...