“The International Olympic Committee has raised over $1.5 billion in ‘Gold’ level sponsorships alone from partners such as Canon and Nomura. To cancel or postpone the Games would jeopardize billions in sponsorship and advertising deals, and could ruin athletes’ peaking regimen”

“Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs, are secondary houses or apartments that share the building lot of a larger, primary house. Across the country, on the state level, the prevailing mentality appears to be championing ADUs as a solution to affordable housing”

“A new survey of 5,001 Americans examines which investment option is considered the safest in 2021. The survey was conducted by Google Surveys and commissioned by Sophisticated Investor, an online publication dedicated to providing useful information to sophisticated and accredited investors worldwide.”

“A new survey of 1,500 American investors between the ages of 35 and 65+ examines which recent geopolitical or economic event is most concerning them regarding the effects on their investment and retirement portfolios. The study was commissioned by SophisticatedInvestor.com”

“A new survey of 2,000 Americans between the ages of 35 and 65+ examines which investment option they consider to be the safest for long-term retirement investing with some interesting results. The study was launched by Sophisticated Investor, an online magazine dedicated to providing insight and analysis.”

“A new survey of 2000 Americans between the ages of 18 and 65+ examines the asset classes which investors had the most confidence in yielded some interesting results. In fact, the survey revealed that respondents are most confident in the US dollar and the stock market”

“Bitcoin’s 60% rally since May recalls the heady 2017 surge that made cryptocurrencies part of the public consciousness. But while prices are going crazy, the pop culture zeitgeist isn’t quite as giddy. Google searches for the word Bitcoin were five times higher in December 2017”

“According to statistics, a large swath of borrowers end up doing so. In fact, according to The Institute for College Access & Success, nearly 9 million Americans have defaulted on their federal student loans — and by 2023, a whopping 40 percent of all borrowers might join them.”

“If you’re an income-hungry retiree, perhaps you’ve noticed come-ons like these recently in one of the many market newsletters or educational websites promoting option writing as a way to squeeze some extra income out of your stock portfolio.”

“As fear cascades among investors, the market has been shaky in recent days, and Monday saw the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) index drop nearly 1.6 percent. And so after a strong start to the year, the S&P 500 is now up only 1 percent since 2020 began.”

“Over the first three days of the past week, the first time in America’s history of an almost nationwide pandemic-induced self-quarantine, Blue Apron saw an unreal stock surge as speculators piled in on shares of the troubled meal-kit delivery company.”

“Today was another bad one for markets and tallied up the worst week to hit equities since 2008 and the kickoff to the Great Recession. And at this point, traders and investors are looking forward to a weekend break to steel themselves for Monday.”

“We’re entering 2020 in a good place, with a 2% real rate of growth in the U.S. and 10 years of constant expansion behind us. The job market is strong, last year the stock market had its best year since 2013 and the Federal Reserve has no plans to raise interest rates any time soon.”

“That short-term pain is still plenty significant. Oil prices, which have already sustained deep declines so far in 2020, are about to get even worse. On Sunday, March 8, a couple days after OPEC and Russia couldn’t reach an accord on product cuts to battle sinking oil prices tethered to coronavirus fears”

“For couples, self-isolation is like a test run for retirement. It’s a whole lot of togetherness for partners who may not be accustomed to it — and a moment to reflect, do I really want to spend the rest of my life with this person?”

“Divorce is not only heartbreaking, it’s expensive. Paying for it is more stress at a time when stress is off the charts. What if you don’t have the cash? The answer for some is divorce funding. Didn’t know such an option existed? Relax, you’re not alone.”

“A new survey from SophisticatedInvestor.com of 2,000 Americans between the ages of 35 and 65 examines which investment option they consider to be the safest for long-term retirement investing. According to the findings of the survey”

“Renewable energy today accounts for just under 10% of South Korea’s total power output. Coal-fired power from 60 operating units accounts for about 40% of the country’s generation, with nuclear power accounting for about a quarter of power output.”