by | Oct 8, 2021 | Newsletters

Last Updated: October 8, 2021

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It must be October. 

Once again, at the beginning of the fall season, it’s a buyer’s market for crypto. Amid regulatory crackdowns from Chinese authorities, the price of Bitcoin fell throughout the month of September, from an August high of about $49,200 to its current stability point around $42,500.

Where the bears see a sell-off, smart investors see a buying opportunity. Throughout 2021, Bitcoin has seen 40% growth, outpacing even the red-hot S&P 500 (17.3%). Even better is Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, which has ballooned from about $720 per token on January 1st to a whopping $3,000 by the end of September, representing a gain of over 400%. 

When the cryptocurrency market flares back up, you might regret not taking a position now while the entry point is low compared to its springtime highs. 

Why are we so bullish on Bitcoin? The evidence is undeniable. 

The largest companies in the world, such as PayPal and Tesla, are adopting Bitcoin as a payment method; institutional investment funds and banks are piling into Bitcoin and offering Bitcoin ETFs to their customers; El Salvador, a Central American country of 6.5 million people has even adopted Bitcoin as its official currency. 

We’re in the middle of a massive wealth transfer from the coffers of corporations into the wallets of everyday people. The legacy money transfer services like Western Union and MoneyGram are set to lose hundreds of millions in lost revenues due to El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption alone. 

Sending a Western Union money order worth $10K from El Salvador to the United States costs $120, requires both parties to travel to their local branch, and the whole process takes up to four business days. To send the same amount in BTC costs pocket change, is facilitated within seconds, and doesn’t require any travel or involvement of third parties.

On the American retail side, AMC Theatres is yet again at the fore of an exciting new development. In September, the company’s CEO, Adam Aron, announced that their theatres will soon accept cryptocurrencies as a payment option for movie tickets and concessions. AMC, which owns nearly 1,000 cinemas nationwide, is just one of many large enterprises that are set to embrace cryptocurrencies in the near future.

The world is changing. Smart and adaptable investors will rise to the top if they capitalize on the opportunities presented by our constantly evolving financial system. Today, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the entire cryptocurrency asset class present a once-in-a-generation wealth transfer opportunity. 

Given all that’s happening behind the scenes, now is the right time to buy the dip and take a new position in cryptocurrencies. Don’t miss out on this unique buying opportunity while the market’s low. To get started investing in cryptocurrencies, check out our reviews of the world’s most trusted Bitcoin IRA companies and, to take your alternative investment strategy further, consider adding gold and silver to your IRA today.

Amine Rahal